IPS does not make empty claims. We know our security services are superior because:
We make sure to hire the best of the best employees
IPS officer candidates must successfully complete our rigorous, six-part hiring process to join our team. The majority of security officers we employ come to us with years of experience in military, law enforcement or private security careers.
The training we provide is the most extensive in the industry
Even though our officers already have career training, they must complete our in-house training program to make certain that they are equipped for private security operations. We also provide advanced training and require ample firing range time for our armed guards.
We take every step necessary to eliminate all threats
We DO NOT limit the amount of resources we make available to respond to and resolve threats based on what you pay. In the event that an officer requests backup, we deploy every necessary resource to protect life and property, every time.
International Protective Service, Inc. (IPS) owner Aaron T. Jones is committed to making The Bay Area a safer place to own property, live and work. Theft is killing businesses and you don’t have to be a victim. IPS is ready to protect your business to ensure what you have worked so hard for. You can trust IPS to be there in your time of need.
International Protective Service, Inc. (IPS) owner Aaron T. Jones is committed to making The Bay Area a safer place to own property, live and work. Theft is killing businesses and you don’t have to be a victim. IPS is ready to protect your business to ensure what you have worked so hard for. You can trust IPS to be there in your time of need.
IPS provides armed, standing guards 24/7 so the merchandise you brought in doesn’t walk out without someone paying for it. It’s costing The Bay Area businesses millions and it’s time for it to stop. IPS is committed to protecting your business from the constant barrage of bad actors who jeopardize your business and customers. IPS is assisting local authorities already stretched thin.
IPS has committed valuable resources to protect homes in The Bay Area by monitoring your home or business with highly trained, experienced, armed officers as standing guards or 24-hour patrols to deter criminals from gaining unwanted access to your property.